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Labour Shortage: What Is the Going Construction Pay Rate?

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Labour Shortage: What Is the Going Pay Rate

Labour Shortage: What Is the Going Construction Pay Rate?

Money is definitely a hot topic right now. Whether it’s salary, the value of the pound, or how much we’re now paying for food and heating – everyone is thinking about it. With that in mind in this blog, we’re looking at average pay rates from job boards across the country for our hottest jobs. How do they compare? Keep reading...

Two-thirds (64 percent) of UK businesses say more employees are asking for pay rises, research has found.

Salary calculators and information around job pay rates are available online via multiple job boards, we get that as busy hiring Managers you won’t always have time to look into each job. Below we have collated information from the latest Indeed salary checker for three hot jobs in the construction sector. If you currently advertise on Indeed and haven't taken a look at their Hiring Insights tool we recommend that you do, it has some great information available for you to benchmark where your jobs are in the current market.

Both tools are interesting and whilst they can give you a good base idea of pay rates being advertised it would still be best to speak with your Recruiter about the end pay rate – these can differ from job board reports.

My team has plenty of examples where a pay rate needed to be raised. This has a lot of contributing factors, area, duration, urgency, etc.

And it’s easy to ask why pay rates weren’t higher, to begin with, but the reality is projects/ orders/ tenders are processes that have been done months if not, in some cases, years in advance when we were in a completely different economic time. The value of the £ has changed.

If you’d be interested in getting more information regarding salaries and rates specifically for your jobs, please get in touch with the team and we can go through this with you.

In a couple of weeks, we will be sending you a survey to get your feedback on this blog a key part of it will be to gauge our communities desire for a salary guide based on our own data. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to give your opinion, it helps us to shape to content we send to you.

Labour Shortage: What Is the Going Pay Rate
Labour Shortage: What Is the Going Pay Rate

Labour Shortage: What Is the Going Pay Rate
Labour Shortage: What Is the Going Pay Rate
Labour Shortage: What Is the Going Pay Rate
Labour Shortage: What Is the Going Pay Rate

As mentioned at the beginning of this blog these are averages based on pay rates advertised and whilst they're great as a starting benchmark they could be different from what is currently being paid. If you’d be interested in getting more information regarding end salaries and rates specifically for your jobs, please get in touch with the teamand we can go through this with you.